Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
11th November 2022
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Remembrance Day
Thank you to all parents and grandparents who came to the War Memorial this morning to take part in our Remembrance Service. As ever, the children behaved beautifully and we were immensely proud of how well they carried out their laying of their class wreath, and standing quietly during the two-minute silence. They did so well!
Thank You for the Hamper Donations
Thank you to everyone for the hamper donations, we are extremely grateful. I know times are hard, so a big thank you from us all.
Open Morning
We are holding a whole school open morning tomorrow 10.00am-12.00pm. If you know of any neighbours or friends who are interested in coming along, please pass on this information. Thank you.
Children in Need
Please send your child in non-uniform on Friday 18th November. We will gladly receive a donation from you to pass on to the Children in Need charity. Please send the donation into school with your child on the day.
Breakfast Club in the Hall
Starting on Monday, for those children who attend breakfast club in the hall, please drop your child off at the main school door. Thank you.
After School Club
From Monday, After School Club will be based in the school hall. Please collect your child via the main entrance to the school. Upon arrival to collect your child, please ring the doorbell and a member of staff will come to you. Many thanks
Opening the School Gates
A polite reminder that children can be dropped off in the main school between 8.45 am and 8.55 am.
From Monday, the gate will be opened at 8.40am and will shut just after last drop off time at 8.55am.
If you are late bringing your child into school, and the gate has been closed, please bring them to the main reception. Thank you.
Similarly, at the end of the school day, the gates will be open at 3.20pm.
All classes will be dismissed at 3.25pm, and the gates will be closed at 3.35pm. If you are late, you will then have to collect your child from After School Club.
Many thanks,
Mrs Clarey and Team
Date |
Sat 12th Nov |
Open morning for the whole school 10am-12pm
Fri 18th Nov |
Children in Need
Thurs 24th Nov |
School theatre visit (more info to follow)
Fri 25th Nov |
INSET day school closed to children. No holiday club available on this day
Tues 6th Dec |
4.30pm Dormice and Hedgehog nativity
Tues 6th Dec |
1.30pm Afternoon performance by KS1 of Prickly Hay
Wed 7th Dec |
6.30pm Squirrel and Badger performance of Prickly Hay
Tues 13th Dec |
Early Years movie night run by PTA 3.30pm-5.00pm
Wed 14th Dec |
Christmas dinner and party day
Thurs 15th Dec |
Key Stage 1 and 2 movie night 4.30pm-6.30pm
Fri 16th Dec |
Christingle church service
Fri 16th Dec |
School closes for Christmas