Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
31st October 2022
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Welcome Back
Welcome back to everyone after our half term break. We are about to enter the busiest and most exciting time of the school year, and you will notice that a few new dates have been added to the diary information. These have been placed in bold and underlined. Please make a note of them and I will keep you up to date with any further dates as they occur.
Below you will find a bit more information about some of the events that are close to. As other dates come closer, you will be provided with additional information.
Discos are taking place next week. Please pay online for your child’s ticket. The price is £5 per child which includes a hot dog and a drink. Please drop and collect your child from the hall via the main entrance at the stated times.
Remembrance Service
Please join us at 10.45am at the War Memorial in the village on Friday 11th November. We look forward to seeing you there. Parents usually stand along the pavement, near to the hedge, this allows the children to gather closer to the memorial. Thank you.
Open Morning
We are holding a whole school open morning on Saturday 12th November 10.00am-12.00pm. If you know of any neighbours or friends who are interested in coming along, please pass on this information. Thank you.
Children in Need
Please send your child in non-uniform on Friday 18th November. We will gladly receive a donation from you to pass on to the Children in Need charity. Please send the donation into school with your child on the day.
Many thanks
Mrs Clarey and Team
Date |
Mon 7th Nov |
Dormice and Hedgehog disco 4.30pm- 6.00pm
Tues 8th Nov |
Squirrels and Badger disco 5.30pm-7.00pm
Wed 9th Nov |
Deer and Owl disco 5.30pm-7.00pm
Fri 11th Nov |
Remembrance Service at War Memorial 10.45am
Sat 12th Nov |
Open morning for the whole school 10am-12pm
Fri 18th Nov |
Children in Need
Thurs 24th Nov |
School theatre visit (more info to follow)
Fri 25th Nov |
INSET day school closed to children. No holiday club available on this day
Tues 6th Dec |
4.30pm Dormice and Hedgehog nativity
Tues 6th Dec |
1.30pm Afternoon performance by KS1 of Prickly Hay
Wed 7th Dec |
6.30pm Squirrel and Badger performance of Prickly Hay
Tues 13th Dec |
Early Years movie night run by PTA 3.30pm-5.00pm
Wed 14th Dec |
Christmas dinner and party day
Thurs 15th Dec |
Key Stage 1 and 2 movie night 4.30pm-6.30pm
Fri 16th Dec |
Christingle church service
Fri 16th Dec |
School closes for Christmas