Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

30th September 2022

Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

Parents Evening

Our first parent evenings of the new academic year will take on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th October 4pm-6pm.

You will receive a booking form next week enabling you to book your preferred time and day.

Please return this to school as promptly as you can to ensure you are given the time slot you prefer, or as close as we can give you.

More information about the evening and its organisation will be provided in the booking letter.

Holiday Club During Half Term

We are able to provide holiday child care in our school nursery for the coming half term, except Friday 28th. So the club will run Monday 24th Oct –Thursday 27th Oct. Please see our website for how to book a place at the club for your child.

Safety Crossing the Road

I am increasingly concerned, as I know many of you are, about the safety of crossing the road from the church to school, without a crossing patrol officer. I wish to stress that the employment of this person is not the responsibility of school, but Staffordshire County Council. I have contacted the department again today to stress my concerns.

We are very grateful to Reverend Stewart for providing this parking facility at the church, as this is a relatively new thing. Prior to this, parents were able to park in the village hall car park, but this was stopped by the Parish Council. I have also emailed them to stress the concerns of school and indeed yourselves about the danger of crossing the road without assistance.

Until a crossing patrol officer is appointed, for safety reasons, I would advise you to park along the Longton Road and enter the premises through the track running to the playground gate from the main road.

News from Mrs Clarey

I wish to inform you that I will be taking early retirement in May of next year. My last day will be 26th May, the day we break up for half term. Having been in the profession for 32 years, I feel it’s time to go and do something else.

We will keep you updated as to when a new head has been appointed.

That was hard for me to write, but there we are, it’s done!

Best wishes

Mrs Clarey and Team




Mon 10th Oct

Mental Health Day


Tues 11th Oct

Parents evening 4pm-6pm


Thurs 13th Oct

Parents evening 4pm-6pm


Wed 19th Oct

Hedgehogs visit to Peak Wildlife Park


Fri 21st Oct

School closes 3.30pm ( except for after school club) for half term


Mon 31st Oct

School reopens


Mon 7th Nov

Dormice and Hedgehog disco 4.30pm- 6.00pm


Tues 8th Nov

Squirrels and Badger disco 5.30pm-7.00pm


Wed 9th Nov

Deer and Owl disco 5.30pm-7.00pm


Fri 11th Nov

Remembrance Service at War Memorial 10.45am


Sat 12th Nov

Open morning for the whole school 10am-12pm


Fri 18th Nov

Children in Need


Fri 25th Nov

INSET day school closed to children. No holiday club available on this day


Tues 6th Dec

4.30pm Dormice and Hedgehog nativity


Tues 6th Dec

1.30pm Afternoon performance by KS1 of Prickly Hay


Wed 7th Dec

6.30pm Squirrel and Badger performance of Prickly Hay


Wed 14th Dec

Christmas dinner and party day


Fri 16th Dec

Christingle church service


Fri 16th Dec

School closes for Christmas