Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

14th September 2022

Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

School Closed on Monday 19th September for The Queen’s Funeral

As you will be aware, next Monday is a bank holiday for the Queen’s funeral. School was already closed for an inset day, however school will no longer be open on this day for child care facilities as previously planned. The inset day will be re scheduled and we will ensure you are given sufficient notice of the date, once decided.

Harvest Festival Friday 23rd September, in church, at 9.00am

Our school Harvest Festival will be held a week on Friday (23rd) at 9.00am in the church. On this morning, please bring your children straight to church between 8.45am and 8.55am. If your child is attending breakfast club, please bring them to school as normal, and they will be taken over to the church by our staff in time for the service.

This year, in line with our church, we are collecting non-perishable items of food, that will be sent to local food banks. This type of food includes all tinned food, dried pasta etc. Please do not bring fresh produce or anything with a short use by date.

Please bring your donation to the food bank with you on the day of the service, and give it to your child, who will be able to put it on a table available in the church.

All parents, grandparents and friends are invited to stay for the service.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Family Worship

Our first family worship will take place on Friday 16th September at 2.45pm. All are welcome, please come and help us celebrate this lovely school!

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon Friday 30th September 2.15pm

Please come along on 30th September to our Macmillan coffee afternoon.

If you are able to donate/ make some cakes or biscuits for us, please bring them either in the morning of the event, or when you come in the afternoon. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.

The coffee afternoon will start at 2.15pm and family worship will start at 2.45pm, so please come for both.

We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support of this worthy cause.

As events get closer, you will be sent additional information on this weekly newsletter.

Best wishes

Mrs Clarey and Team

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Fri 16th Sept

Family worship starts 2.45pm


Mon 19th Sept

School closed to children other than those booked in holiday club


Week com Mon 19th Sept


Teacher led clubs start, more info next week

(No club on Mon 19th Sept)

Wed 21st Sept

KS1 visit to Blakesley Hall


Thurs 22nd Sept

KS2 visit to The Potteries Museum


Fri 23rd Sept

Harvest Festival in the Church


Fri 30th Sept

MacMillan coffee afternoon 2.15pm before family worship


Mon 10th Oct

Mental Health Day


Tues 11th Oct

Parents evening 4pm-6pm


Thurs 13th Oct

Parents evening 4pm-6pm


Wed 19th Oct

Hedgehogs visit to Peak Wildlife Park


Fri 21st Oct

School closes 3.30pm ( except for after school club) for half term


Mon 31st Oct

School reopens


Mon 7th Nov

Dormice and Hedgehog disco 4.30pm- 6.00pm


Tues 8th Nov

Squirrels and Badger disco 5.30pm-7.00pm


Wed 9th Nov

Deer and Owl disco 5.30pm-7.00pm


Fri 11th Nov

Remembrance Service at War Memorial 10.45am