Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
6th September 2022
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Welcome Back!
A big welcome back to everybody as we start our new school year. The children look incredibly smart in their new uniform, and it has been so nice to see their happy faces as they returned to class. So lovely to see!
A special welcome to Hedgehogs and Dormice as they join our school. A big welcome to you all!
Lunchtime Supervisor Position Available in School
We have a position for a lunchtime supervisor from the end of September if any parent, grandparent is interested, or you know of anyone who would like this position. The job involves setting up the hall for dinners, cleaning tables, chairs etc and supervising the children on the playground during dinner time play. Please call in at the office if you are interested or would like further information.
Reminder of Drop off and Collection Times
Drop off |
Collection |
8.55am – 9.05am |
3.00pm |
Hedgehogs |
8.45am-8.55am |
All other classes |
8.45am – 8.55am |
INSET day for teachers, school closed to children. Monday 19th Sept
We apologise for this inset day being so close to the start of the new term, but this date has not been set by school. We are in the second year of a two-year training schedule on a teaching method called “Talk for Writing”. The dates are set by the trainer so are beyond our control.
Holiday Club Places Available in School on Monday 19th Sept
Please book your child in if you require child care on this day. This will take place in the nursery building and will run from 8.00am-5.30pm. Please secure your child a place by booking online in the normal way.
Crossing Patrol Officer
Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to Gordon, our lollipop man at the end of the summer term, as he had other commitments. We are still awaiting a replacement, so please take great care when crossing the road to and from the church car park.
Family Worship
Our first family worship will take place on Friday 16th September at 2.45pm. All are welcome, please come and help us celebrate this lovely school!
Diary Dates
Please see all diary dates so far. As new dates are added, they will be underlined so you are aware it is a new date for your calendar.
Date |
Mon 12th Sept |
School photos
Fri 16th Sept |
Family worship starts 2.45pm
Mon 19th Sept |
School closed to children other than those booked in holiday club
Week com Mon 19th Sept
Teacher led clubs start, more info next week (No club on Mon 19th Sept) |
Wed 21st Sept |
KS1 visit to Blakesley Hall
Thurs 22nd Sept |
KS2 visit to The Potteries Museum
Fri 23rd Sept |
Harvest Festival in the Church
Fri 30th Sept |
MacMillan coffee afternoon 2.15pm before family worship
Mon 10th Oct |
Mental Health Day
Tues 11th Oct |
Parents evening 4pm-6pm
Thurs 13th Oct |
Parents evening 4pm-6pm
Wed 19th Oct |
Hedgehogs visit to Peak Wildlife Park
Fri 21st Oct |
School closes 3.30pm ( except for after school club) for half term
Mon 31st Oct |
School reopens
Mon 7th Nov |
Dormice and Hedgehog disco 4.30pm- 6.00pm
Tues 8th Nov |
Squirrels and Badger disco 5.30pm-7.00pm
Wed 9th Nov |
Deer and Owl disco 5.30pm-7.00pm
Fri 11th Nov |
Remembrance Service at War Memorial 10.45am
Sat 12th Nov |
Open morning for the whole school 10am-12pm
Fri 18th Nov |
Children in Need
Fri 25th Nov |
INSET day school closed to children. No holiday club available on this day
Tues 6th Dec |
4.30pm Dormice and Hedgehog nativity
Tues 6th Dec |
1.30pm Afternoon performance by KS1 of Prickly Hay
Wed 7th Dec |
6.30pm Squirrel and Badger performance of Prickly Hay
Wed 14th Dec |
Christmas dinner and party day
Fri 16th Dec |
Christingle church service
Fri 16th Dec |
School closes for Christmas
A very busy term ahead!
As events get closer, you will be sent additional information on the weekly newsletter.
Best wishes,
Mrs Clarey and Team