Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

16th July 2024


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”


Catering Changes 

As you are aware, there are changes to our catering provision from 1st September.  You will by now have received information from Dolce, our new supplier, about creating an account and the process for ordering your child’s lunches.  Any questions about that process specifically should be addressed to Dolce.

A further consequence of the changes we are making is that Rachel and Derek in our kitchen will be stepping away from their roles in the kitchen at the end of this week.  We would like to extend a big thank you to both Rachel and Derek for their work in the kitchen over the last 6 years.  You may still occasionally see both Rachel and Derek around as they continue with other roles in the school.


Break the Rules Day!

On Thursday of this week we are having a Break the Rules Day.  You may well have had some information on this already.  Pay 50p to come in non-uniform, or £1 to come in non-uniform, bring juice instead of water in your bottle and do something funky with your hair!  



If you ever need to arrange for someone different to usual to collect your child from our after school provision, or you have organised for them to go home with a friend’s grown up, please let Mrs Casey know in advance via the following email or phone number.


07591 918 955



I have had several complaints over the last week or so about parking in Broughton Crescent including, unfortunately, some alleged rude and abusive behaviour towards residents.  I continue to have contact with both the police and the local council on the issue but in the meantime please be considerate and respectful at all times in where you are parking. The crescent is a very small space for the amount of traffic it encounters at drop –off and pick up times and great care is needed to ensure we all stay safe. It is never acceptable to block the driveways of our neighbours, even for a very short period.  It is obviously an entirely reasonable expectation to be able to access and exit your own property whenever you wish to or need to, and it may be extremely important that this can happen quickly should the need arise.

A crossing patrol will be in place from September so I will be encouraging people to park at the church and use the crossing patrol to ease the situation somewhat.

Thank you for your co-operation.  


Year 4 Picnic

Year 4 will have their Leavers picnic at 12.30pm on Friday, with presentations of their Bibles taking place shortly after the picnic.  We hope this will take place outside in the glorious weather.



The last couple of weeks have seen our children produce magnificent performances of “There’s a Sunflower in my Supper” (Key Stage1) and “Alice in Wonderland” (Key Stage 2).  All children in both performances were absolutely amazing and should feel very proud of themselves. Well done children!


Church Service

Our end of year Church Service takes place on Friday (19th) this week.  Please drop your off directly at church at the normal school start time 8.45am-8.55am.



Mr J Gordon


Dates for the Diary


Summer Term 2024

19 July

Year 4 Leavers Picnic 12.30pm

19 July

End of Year Service 9am in Church

19 July

Break for the Summer

2 & 3 September

Staff Development Days – School Closed to Children

 Wednesday 4 September

Autumn Term Starts 8.45am



2024/25 School Term and Holiday Dates

Staff Development Days

(School Closed to Children)


2nd and 3rd September

School Opens to Children

Wednesday 4th September

Half Term

28th October – 1st November

Staff Development Day

School Closed to Children


Monday 4th November

Christmas Break

23rd December – 3rd January

Spring 2025

School Opens

Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term

17th- 21st  February 2025

Easter Break

14th – 25th April 2025

Summer 2025

School Opens

Monday 28th April 2025

Staff Development Day

(School Closed to Children)


Friday 2nd May 2025

May Bank Holiday

Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term

26th – 30th May 2025

Last Day of Summer Term

Friday 17th July 2025