Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

5th July 2024


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”


Whole School Photo 

The deadline for orders with free delivery via school is 10th July.



The Key Stage 2 performance of “Alice in Wonderland” will take place on Tuesday 9th July at 2pm and on Wednesday 10th July at 6.15pm.  On the Wednesday can children please be back in school at 5.45pm. If we have any performers who attend after school club then we are happy to collect them from club at 5.45pm to get ready.



Reports will come home on Tuesday 9th July.  If you wish to discuss any aspect of the report with your child’s class teacher please speak directly to them and they will be happy to arrange a convenient time for you to do so.


Wednesday Lunch

All orders for lunches on Wednesday (10th) have now been passed to our new catering supplier.

On a related note, more information will come home next week about the new catering provision and we also expect that Dolce, our new supplier, will be in touch with you soon with login details and other information for your Dolce account.



Please pay any outstanding balances on Eduspot accounts as soon as possible.  Thank you.


Holiday Club

I am attaching a booking form for Little Stars holiday club.  Please book as soon as you know your requirements to avoid disappointment.




We have had one case of impetigo in school, and one further suspected case.

Advice is that if you suspect that your child may have impetigo it is important that they see a GP, and that you keep them off school until it is no longer contagious.

The NHS guidance is as follows:-


Impetigo stops being contagious:

  • 48 hours after you start using hydrogen peroxide cream or antibiotics prescribed by a GP or pharmacist
  • when the patches dry out and crust over (if you do not get treatment)”


Thank you for your co-operation.


Church Summer Fayre

The church summer fayre is tomorrow, Saturday 6th July.  Please go along and join in the fun.



Mr J Gordon


Dates for the Diary


Summer Term 2024

9 July

Key Stage 2 Afternoon Performance 2pm

9 July

Reports Sent Home

10 July

Key Stage 2 Evening Performance 6.15pm

19 July

Year 4 Leavers Picnic 12.30pm

19 July

End of Year Service 9am in Church

19 July

Break for the Summer

2 & 3 September

Staff Development Days – School Closed to Children

 Wednesday 4 September

Autumn Term Starts 8.45am









2024/25 School Term and Holiday Dates

Staff Development Days

(School Closed to Children)


2nd and 3rd September

School Opens to Children

Wednesday 4th September

Half Term

28th October – 1st November

Staff Development Day

School Closed to Children


Monday 4th November

Christmas Break

23rd December – 3rd January

Spring 2025

School Opens

Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term

17th- 21st  February 2025

Easter Break

14th – 25th April 2025

Summer 2025

School Opens

Monday 28th April 2025

Staff Development Day

(School Closed to Children)


Friday 2nd May 2025

May Bank Holiday

Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term

26th – 30th May 2025

Last Day of Summer Term

Friday 17th July 2025