Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
7 September 2023
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Welcome Back
Welcome to the Autumn term. We hope everyone had a fantastic summer break. Its lovely to see all of the children back in school, all looking a little taller and looking forward to settling into their new classes.
Family Worship
As usual this will begin in its usual form next week (Friday 15th September, 2.50pm). To begin with this will just be Years 1 to 4 while our youngest children settle into their new environment and routines. It won’t be long, however, before the youngest children are joining in the long celebration worship on Fridays. I will let you know as soon as this is the case.
We are however having an ‘Agents for Change’ day tomorrow (Friday 8th September). This is to help launch our new mission statement under the headline banner of ‘Let your Light Shine’, which we are keeping. The purpose of tomorrow is to talk about how small positive actions can make a big difference in our world. We are inviting parents to attend a short worship at the end of the day (2.50pm) to celebrate what the children have done throughout the day. Again, this will be children in Years 1 to 4.
Full family worships with certificates, birthdays, sticker charts etc will begin next week.
School Photos
The photographer will be in school on Monday morning to take school photos. We will, as usual, have photographs taken with siblings as well as individual ones.
Website Photoshoot
On Tuesday we have a photographer coming into school to take photographs throughout the day for an update of our website. Some of these photographs may include children doing their usual daily activities. We will, of course, be mindful of children who cannot have their photograph taken. If you do not consent to your child’s photograph being taken for use on the website and you have not yet let us know please contact us so that we can update our records.
End of Year Newsletter
A few have mentioned to me that, for various reasons, they did not receive a copy of my newsletter of 24th July. We will email a copy of this out to everyone tomorrow.
Clubs will begin again in the week beginning 18th September. Details to follow.
Mr J Gordon