Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
19th May 2023
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Dougie Mac Day 22nd May
We are holding a Dougie Mac day next Monday. This will be a non-uniform day. We are asking the children to wear something yellow. The children will take part in a range of fun and exciting activities throughout the day.
Year 1 do not need to be in PE Kit on Monday 22nd as their PE will be on Friday for next week only.
Early Years Open Evening – 23rd May
A reminder about our open evening on 23rd May for all those who may wish their little one to attend our Reception or Nursery Class. This is an opportunity to come and have a look around, meet the staff and ask any questions you have.
Parking Buddies
The parking buddies have arrived and will be making their debut next week. Thank you for driving and parking carefully outside school.
Stoke City Penalty Shootout
Please return all your forms and money (in a named envelope) to school BY THURSDAY 25th MAY. Prizes will be given out upon our return to school after half term, so we need to let them know how much was raised. Thank you.
Half Term
We break for half term next Friday afternoon (26th May), and return on Monday 5th June. Holiday Club is running Tuesday-Friday, please book online in the usual way.
Mr J Gordon
May 22nd |
Dougie Mac Day in School – wear something yellow and bring a £1. |
May 23rd |
Early Years Open Evening |
May 27th |
PTA Tea Room takeover at Barlaston Village Market. Details to follow. |
June 13th |
Information Evening for those joining Reception Class in September. |
June 16th |
Father’s Day Family Breakfast. Details to follow. |
23rd June |
Staff Training Day. School closed to children. |
26th & 27th June |
Transition days – details to follow. |
30th June |
Family Summer Tea Party. Details to follow. |
14th July |
Sports day – details to follow. |
20th July |
KS2 Performance 6.15pm – Details to follow. |
25th July |
Leavers Service in Church 9am Year 4 Leavers Picnic and Presentations at school 12.30 pm |
25th July |
School Closes for Summer 3.30pm |