Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
21st April 2023
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
Welcome to Summer!
Welcome to the summer term. We hope you have all had a lovely and restful Easter, and are looking forward to a very busy summer term at school.
Reading Feedback Evenings
We are holding our reading feedback evenings next week on the dates below. If you have a child in more than one class please just choose which of evenings is most convenient for you. The meetings will run from 6 – 6.45pm and will be informal, just to give an opportunity for anyone to provide feedback or make any comments on how you are finding the new approach to reading. We will put out some of the resources again for you to look at and staff will be around to answer questions and discuss any issues relating to reading until 6.45pm
Coronation Theme Day Friday 5th May
On Friday 5th May we will be celebrating the coronation of our new King with coronation themed activities in school. Come dressed in red, white or blue, or any combination of those colours. School lunch that day will be a picnic lunch which we will take outside if the weather allows.
There will be no family worship on this day.
Start of the Day
A polite reminder that the school day starts at 8.55am. The gates open at 8.45 am and there will always be a start of day activity (SODA) waiting for your child in the classroom. Gates will be closed and teaching will start at 8.55am.
All clubs, with the exception of Advanced Skills Football, start next week.
There are some new dates for the diary in the list below.
Mr J Gordon
24th April |
Reading Feedback Evening (Dormice) 6pm-6.45pm. |
25th April |
Reading Feedback Evening (Hedgehogs) 6pm-6.45pm. |
26th April |
Reading Feedback Evening (Squirrels) 6pm-6.45pm. |
1st May |
May Day Bank Holiday. |
May 5th |
Coronation Theme Day in School – Come dressed in red, white and blue. |
May 8th |
Coronation Bank Holiday. |
May 10th- 12th |
Year 4 Visit to Standon Bowers. |
May 22nd |
Dougie Mac Day in School – wear something yellow and bring a £1. |
23rd June |
Staff Training Day. School closed to children. |
26th & 27th June |
Transition days – details to follow. |
14 July |
Sports day – details to follow. |
20 July |
KS2 Performance 6.15pm – Details to follow. |
25 July |
Leavers Service in Church 9am Year 4 Leavers Picnic and Presentations at school 12.30 pm |
25 July |
School Closes for Summer 3.30pm |