Here at Barlaston First School it is inevitable that we hold personal data about our pupils.

Please click here for the link to: our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice

Data Protection Act 1998

The school is a “data controller” for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. This data is used to:

  • Support learning
  • Monitor and report on the child’s progress
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care
  • Assess how well we are doing as a school

The information includes contact details for parents/ adults relating to the child, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information and personal characteristics such as your ethnic group, special educational needs, eligibility for free school meals and any relevant medical information.

From time to time the school is required to pass on some of this data to local authorities, the Department for Education, and to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as Ofsted, the Department of Health and Primary Care Trusts.

Should your child leave our school before the end of year 4, or join our school after the start of the reception year, records will be transferred to the school they are moving to, or will arrive with us from their previous school.

We wish to stress that we will not give information about you or your child to anyone without your consent unless the law or our policies allow us to.

If you require any information regarding how the Local Authority and Department of Education store and use this information, please go to the following website:


Privacy Notices

Please click on the following links to see the following: