Barlaston First School
Weekly Newsletter
8 December 2023
Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith
“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”
Our nativity performance by our Early Years children takes place at 4.30pm on Monday afternoon. The children are all very excited to be performing in front of a large audience.
The Nutcracker
Reception to Year 4 classes are off to see the Nutcracker at The New Vic Theatre on Tuesday 12th December. Please make sure your child arrives promptly as we need to get the children on the coaches and ready to leave by 9.15am. We will be back in school for a slightly late lunchtime.
New Governors
Congratulations and welcome to our two new parent governors, Noosh D’Avola and Sophie Johnston. We look forward to working with them and to formally welcoming them at our next Full Governing Body meeting on Wednesday 17th January 2024. I would also like to thank all of the other candidates who put themselves forward. It was an incredibly strong field which generated a fantastic number of votes, so a big thank you too to all of you who engaged in the process.
Holiday Club
There will be no holiday club from 27-29 December, but the club will run from Tuesday 2nd January to Friday 5th January. Please book in by Tuesday 19th December to enjoy the booking discount.
After School Club
I have had more complaints from residents in Broughton Crescent about parking in the mornings and at home time. Please ensure that consideration is given to our neighbours, particularly at these very busy times of the day.
Christmas Hamper Raffle Draw
Thank you to all those who have sold and or bought tickets from the rainbow hamper draw. The draw will be made in family worship next week (15th December). Worship starts at 2.50pm.
Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 20th December is Christmas dinner Day. If your child usually brings sandwiches but would like a Christmas Dinner please let the office know.
Christmas Cards
A big thank you to all of you who have purchased Christmas cards, tags, wrapping paper etc online. You have raised an amazing £90 for the school in doing so.
Our Christingle service will take place at 9am on Friday 22nd December.
Dates for the Diary
11th December |
EY Nativity Performance – 4.30pm |
12th December |
School Theatre Trip – Leaves at 9.15am |
15th December |
Christmas Hamper Raffle Draw in Family Worship |
20th December |
Christmas Dinner Day |
22nd December |
--------------------------------------- Christingle Service in Church 9am Christmas Party Day School Closes for Christmas --------------------------------------- |
Monday 8th January |
School Opens 8.45 am |
Mr J Gordon