Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

3rd March 2023


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

 A Big Thank You

Thank you very much for all of your very generous donations on World Book Day.  The children had great fun choosing books to bring home and enjoyed teaming up with other classes in the afternoon to read and listen to stories together.

Mother’s Day Family Breakfast

Next Friday, 10th March, the PTA are putting on a Mother’s Day Family Breakfast (not just for mums!) between 9.00am and 10.30am. You can come along and enjoy tea/coffee, toast/pastry with your child at any time during these hours. Cost is £3 and unlimited places can be booked through Eduspot in the ‘Shop’ section. Please book by Wednesday 8th March.

Clubs Start Next Week

The following clubs will run for 4 weeks from next Monday to the Easter break.


Advanced Skills football

(for year 3 and 4 children who already play in a team.)

Mr Bentley

Years 3 and 4

5.30pm – 6.30pm



Mr Mellor and Mr Peel

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

3.30pm – 4.30pm



Mrs Broome and Miss Gill

Year 3 and Year 4

3.30pm – 4.30pm



Mr Bentley

Years 1 - 4

3.30pm – 4.30pm


Film Club

Mrs Broome and

Mr Gordon

Reception to Year 4



New Early Reading Approach

A great start has been made to our new early reading approach.  The children in those classes are enjoying their learning in phonics and reading each day.  This week we have sent home the sharing story for you to enjoy reading and discussing with your child.  From next week we will add to this the reading book which they are working with in school.

 With best wishes,

Mr J Gordon

 10th March

Mother’s Day Family Breakfast 9.00am-10.30am

24th April

Reading Feedback Evening (Dormice) 6pm-6.45pm

25th April

Reading Feedback Evening (Hedgehogs) 6pm-6.45pm

26th April

Reading Feedback Evening (Squirrels) 6pm-6.45pm

1st May

Mayday Bank Holiday

May 5th

Coronation Theme Day in School – Details to follow

May 8th

Coronation Bank Holiday

May 10th- 12th

Year 4 Visit to Standon Bowers

May 22nd

Dougie Mac Day in School – Details to follow.

23rd June

Staff Training Day. School closed to children.