Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

3rd February 2023

Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith


World Book Day Thursday 2nd March

For World Book Day this year we are simply asking children to bring to school their favourite story book.  The children will take part in reading activities in their classes and across the school.  We also have lots of books in school that we now no longer need, so we are going set them all out in the hall on World Book Day and, for a suggested donation of £1, children will be invited to go in and choose a book.

Early Reading Information Evening

A reminder that our Early Reading Information Evening is taking place on Thursday  9th February at 6pm.

Mr J Gordon


9th February

Early Reading Information Evening (Nursery, Reception, Year 1)

10th February

PTA Quiz Night Wedgwood Cricket Club

14th & 15th February

Parents Evenings

16th February

School Closes

17th February

Staff Training Day. School closed to children.

27th February

School Opens

23rd June

Staff Training Day. School closed to children.