Food Packing Event at School for Children in Kenya
We are holding an event at school to pack food to send to children in Kenya.
It will be held in the school hall on SATURDAY 19th October 10.00am -12.30pm.
Our aim is to get as many volunteers as possible and pack 10,000 meals in that time.
This is to further support our link with "Feed the Hungry", following the teachers' visit to schools in Kibera in January. The children who attend the schools have one meal a day and that is in school. It consists of rice, lentils and vitamin powder. The food is packed in the UK and transported to the schools where it is stored safely for the children to have.
If you and your family would like to take part please complete the form that has been sent home to select your preferred time slot of 9.30-10.30, 10.30-11.30, 11.30-12.30pm.
We hope to see you all there and thank you for giving up your time to support this venture.