Snow Procedures for Winter


In the event of heavy snow overnight and the closing of the school for the day

  • You will receive a text message from school. This will be as soon as the decision has been made and as early as we can before the start of the school day. This will inform you that we are closed.


  • This information MIGHT be on the local radio stations, but we can never be sure.


  • The closure will be published on the school website and on Staffordshire County Council website under Emergency School Closure Procedures.


  • Should you not hear via a text or see the closure on the website, please bring your child to school as normal


In the event of continuous heavy snow and the closing of the school for more than one day

  • See the initial procedure above. Should we still be closed the following day, you will receive a text informing you of this. This will be sent once the decision has been made.


  • It will also be on the Staffordshire County Council website and school website.


In the event of heavy snow and the closing of the school during the day


  • Should it snow heavily throughout the day, and poses us with a dilemma of sending the children home safely, you will receive a text asking you to come and collect your child as soon as possible. Because of this, please ensure that we have your most up to date mobile number, thank you.