Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

1st March 2024


Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”


Easter Holiday Club

Charlotte from Sports Coaching Group came to talk to the children this morning about their holiday club offer for the Easter Holidays. She talked us through a typical holiday club day and the wide range of sports and theme days they do, and also many examples of the arts and crafts activities that will be on offer.

The children are all bringing a flyer home tonight.  Booking is directly through their website and there are also contact details on there for you to ask any questions if you wish.  They give a 10% sibling discount and they are offering a 10% discount for Easter if you book by Friday 8th March.

Unfortunately, they do only accept children from the age of 4 upwards.  I am continuing to look for a solution that will also cater for our nursery children.


World Book Day

For World Book Day on Thursday March 7th we are having a pyjama day.  Come dressed in your pyjamas and bring your favourite book.  We will share our favourite stories with each other, as well as a drink of cocoa.


Mother’s Day Breakfast

Our PTA Mother’s Day Breakfast take’s place next Friday 8th March from 9am to 10.15am.  Booking for both this and all of the Discos closes this Sunday 3rd March at 6pm.


Safety at drop-off and pick-up.

Please take great care in the mornings and afternoons when dropping off and picking up.  With 150 children now in school these times are extremely busy with high volumes of both cars and pedestrians in a very small area.

Please also do not drive on to the school car park in the mornings.  It’s a relatively small car park and not at all a helpful shape.  It is intended for staff cars only. There is not the capacity for other vehicles, and traffic on and off the car park at these times is increasingly hazardous. Children should at no time be on the car park.  Keeping our children safe at all times is our absolute top priority.  Thank you for your co-operation.




Mr J Gordon


Dates for the Diary


Thursday 7th March

World Book Day-Come in your pyjamas

Friday 8th March

Mother’s Day Breakfast 9am – 10.15am

Monday March 11th

Science Week – Details to follow

Monday March 11th

Early Years Disco – 4.30pm – 6pm

Tuesday March 12th

Key Stage 1 Disco – 5.30pm – 7pm

Wednesday 13th

Key Stage 2 Disco – 5.30pm – 7pm

Friday 22nd March

Easter Service in Church 9am

Friday 22nd March

Records of Achievement Morning – Details next week

Friday 22nd March

Break for Easter

Monday 8th April

Return to School for Summer Term 8.45am


2024/25 School Term and Holiday Dates

Staff Development Days

(School Closed to Children)


2nd and 3rd September

School Opens to Children

Wednesday 4th September

Half Term

28th October – 1st November

Staff Development Day

School Closed to Children


Monday 4th November

Christmas Break

23rd December – 3rd January

Spring 2025

School Opens

Monday 6th January 2025

Half Term

17th- 21st  February 2025

Easter Break

14th – 25th April 2025

Summer 2025

School Opens

Monday 28th April 2025

Staff Development Day

(School Closed to Children)


Friday 2nd May 2025

May Bank Holiday

Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term

26th – 30th May 2025

Last Day of Summer Term

Friday 17th July 2025