Barlaston First School

Weekly Newsletter

6th October 2023

Let your light shine through family, friendship and faith

“Enabling our whole school community to flourish and let their light shine, preparing them for their role as gentle and humble agents for change in the world we share.”

Harvest Service Friday 6th October

Our harvest service this year will take place on Friday 6th October in church.  Children should be dropped off at church between 8.45am and 8.55am. The service will take a slightly different form this year with congregational songs and hymns, and prayers and readings from the children.  There will be no family worship in the afternoon on 6th October.

Mental Health Awareness Day

We will be celebrating Mental Health Awareness Day on Tuesday 10th October.  Wear something yellow (please don’t buy anything specifically) and bring a donation. 

School Website

You will notice that our website is undergoing some changes.  The look and content of the website are being reviewed and updated.  We hope that all of the key changes are made by the start of next half term.  We will, of course, continue to evolve the website and make additions and apply updates continually beyond that.  In the meantime if you need any information or forms /documents that you cannot locate please contact the office.

Respect for our Neighbours

I have received complaints from neighbours that some of our children are walking onto or into gardens both on the way in to school in the mornings and at home times, and even in one case knocking on the neighbour’s door.  Apart from not showing the respect for our neighbours that we would expect from children at our school this can also be a frightening experience for some.  Please ensure your children are closely supervised in the mornings and at home times and that the property and wellbeing of our neighbours are respected at all times.

Thank you for your co-operation.

PE Kit

Please send in some dark (preferably grey or black) leggings or jogging bottoms for your child's PE Kit now that the days are getting colder.

Message from the PTA

We are really grateful that so many of you have brought in pre-loved uniform. However, we now have an enormous stock. So please do not send in any more for the time being. We will appeal when stocks become a bit lower!  If you require some uniform then Thank you.

School Holiday Dates

Holiday dates for this school year are listed below.




October Half Term

30 October

3 November


Monday 6 November School Closed to Children


25 December

5 January

February Half Term

12 February

16 February


25 March

5 April

 Friday 3 May School Closed to Children, Monday 6 May Bank Holiday

May Half Term

27 May

31 May


22 July

2 September


Dates for the Diary



Friday 6th October


Harvest Service 9am in Church


Tuesday 10th October

Mental Health Awareness Day. Wear something yellow, bring a donation.


Wednesday 11th October


Standon Bowers information evening.


Tuesday 17th October


Parents Evening – Details to follow


Wednesday 18th October


Parents Evening – Details to follow


Monday 23rd October


Early Years Disco 4.30pm – 6pm


Tuesday 24th October


Key Stage 1 Disco 5.30pm – 7pm


Wednesday 25th October


Key Stage 2 Disco 5.30pm – 7pm


Friday 27th October                 Break for Half Term


Monday 6th November

Staff Development Day.  School closed to Children. There will be no holiday club on Monday 6th November.


Tuesday 7th November


School opens 8.45am.



Mr J Gordon